

Giving praise through music is key element of the Mass.  At St. Rose of Lima, there are three very dedicated groups that make music a very uplifting and joyful experience. 

At the 9:00am Sunday Mass, music is led by Cantor/Instrumentalist Mary Rose Daigle who utilizes a mix of standards and contemporary choices.

The children's choir, directed by Gisele Roy, participates in the 11:00 am Sunday Mass.  It is open to children of all ages, through to high school.

The adult choir, coordinated by Norm Bosse, participates in the 4:00pm Saturday Mass.  It is open to any and all adults who wish to share their vocal or instrumental talents.

How to Become Involved
If you are interested in joining any one of these groups, please contact the Parish office at 653-6850

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Effective November 4th, the new Mass schedule will be:

Thursday: 12:10 PM

Saturday:. 4:00 PM

Sunday: 9:00 AM


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Diocese of Saint John

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