Social Committee

Social Committee:
Marijke Blok and Mary Ann Paterson, Chairpersons

The Social Committee of Saint Rose of Lima Parish has been established to plan and provide social events for parishioners throughout the year. The Social Committee promotes friendship and fellowship, which abounds in the family community of Saint Rose at the following events; Epiphany Open House, the Family Skating Party, Saint Patrick’s Day Concert, the Appreciation Dinner, the Fall Fair, Senior’s Dinner and any other event requested.

All this takes is planning, promotion, telephoning, food preparation, decoration, set up and take down. We invite all parishioners to join us so we may continue to build the friendship and fellowship of Saint Rose.


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Effective November 4th, the new Mass schedule will be:

Thursday: 12:10 PM

Saturday:. 4:00 PM

Sunday: 9:00 AM


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